Monday, May 22, 2006

Top questions asked about GIK 3.0

Q. How many Items and Categories does GIK come with originally?
A. GIK 3.0 is preloaded with over 1,100 items, 5 categories, and 1 location all with prices and high/low values.

Q. Can I try out GIK?
A. GIK can be activated for a 90 day trial. To use GIK for longer than 90 days you must purchase it. Go here to download the free trial.

Q. Is there a limit to the number of users, categories, items, or locations that I can have?
A. No, there is no limit to the number users, categories, items, or locations that can be used.

Q. Is there any difference running GIK on a Windows 2000 computer vs. a Windows XP computer?
A. No, the only difference is installing GIK on a Windows 2000 operating system requires the computer to be rebooted after MDAC 2.8 is installed during the installation. The installation will then continue.

Q. If I have any other questions, whom do I contact?
A.Use the Computer Stop support forum OR
Contact the Computer Stop at Phone: 208-468-1056 ~ Fax: 208-468-7710

Activation Questions

Q. How do I activate my 90 day trial?
A. Enter your registration information and then push “Submit”. If you are connected to the internet your activation number will be e-mailed to you. If the internet submission is unsuccessful you will be able to print out all of the information and either call or fax the information to Computer Stop and an activation key will be given to you.
Once you attain your activation key enter it into the blank activation field and press activate. A logon button will then appear and will allow you to use GIK 3.0.

Q. When I entered in my activation key nothing happened. What should I do next?
A. First, check to make sure there are no spaces in the front of your activation key. If that does not work double check to make sure, you entered in the activation key correctly. Copy and paste it directly from your email

Operation Questions

Logon and Users

Q. What is the password for when I first logon?
A.The default password for all three logon’s is ‘1’

Q. Can we change the default password?
A. Yes, simply login as default administrator using the default password. Enter the Admin screen and select Users. Under “Edit/Delete User” select “Admin_User” and change the password field to anything you want. REMEMBER THIS PASSWORD.

Q. Can I select what I want certain people to have access to?
A.Yes, Administrators can add or remove users to the program and give or deny rights to every aspect to the GIK software. These access rights can be modified under “User Administration”.

Q. Can I assign different rights to individual users?
A. GIK allows for individual login for each user and for three User levels – Guest, Standard, and Admin. Each of the three user levels can have separate access rights to each page as well as individual users can have specific rights assigned to them.

Q. What do the different levels of users mean?
A. The 3 Access Levels are predefined rights given to the user selected. For example the Guest level user only has rights to the “Main Page” and “Received Entry Form”. These access levels can be modified to whatever you desire.

Q. What is the purpose of the Detail Edit button on the User Administration page?
A. The Detail Edit button on the User Administration page allows access to the access rights for a specific user. This allows you to get very detailed on what you want to grant and deny users.

Q. How many users can we add?
A.There is no limit to the number of users you add.

Entering Gifts

Q. What is the purpose of the “Enter Gifts” button?
A.This is the main entry page for Gift-in-Kind items.

Q. When entering items there is a space for a receipt number, what is this?
A.If your Mission tracks paper receipt numbers simply enter that paper receipt number in this field. If your Mission has no existing receipt number system, choose the auto generate receipt # check box to have the receipt number filled out for you.

Q. What does the “Use Last Receipt” box do on the Items Received page?
A.The Use Last Receipt box allows the same receipt number to be used for multiple entries without having to retype it.

Q. Can we track who entered certain items?
A.Every Gift-in-Kind item entered into the system is tracked by user name that was logged in at that time. The “View Gifts” screen shows the user that entered the Item and when it was entered.

Q. When I am entering in an item, do I assign a price value for that item?
A.Prices for items will be pulled over and entered as a default value when an item is selected. High and Low Values will also show if an item is in better or worse condition, giving the person entering the item a range to go off of.

Q. Does our data save automatically?
A.Entered Gift-in-Kind is saved to database after Submit is pressed on “Items Received” page. Most values are saved to the database after an Add button or Modify button is pressed.

Q. What does the Undo Last Button do on the Items Received page?
A. The Undo Last button removes the last entry made.

Viewing Gifts

Q. What does the View Gifts page do?
A.The View Gifts page allows the receipts in the database to be searched by Date, User, Category, Item, and/or Location. The results can be exported, printed, or edited in receipt details.

Q. What does the Export Results button do on the View Gifts page?
A.The Export button allows you to export the report and save it in several different formats. (Adobe Acrobat .pdf, Microsoft Excel .xls, Microsoft Word .doc, and Rich Text Format .rtf)


Q. What is a Summary Report?
A. Summary Report creates a report that summarizes each Item Category by month for each location. There is a report at the end that displays the total received by each location for each item Category.

Q. What is a Category Received Report?
A.Creates a detailed report of each item received displaying the receipt number, date received, price, quantity, and value all grouped by location.

Q. What is the Item Received Report?
A.It creates a detailed report of a specific item displaying the date received, price, quantity, and value grouped by location.

Q. What is the Item Summary Report?
A. It creates a report of a summary of each Item received for a specific item category grouped by Location.

Q. What is the Receipt Details Report?
A. It provides the complete details of each item in a receipt but it also allows the receipt to be edited or deleted.

Q. What is the All Items Report?
A. Displays all the Items received for a specific Item Category with no grouping. It does allow the view to be sorted by item description, quantity, or value.

Q. Can I save my Reports?
A. When you click View Report there are two buttons in the top right hand corner of the report that are displayed. The first one is an export button that allows you to export the report and save it in several different formats. (Adobe Acrobat .pdf, Microsoft Excel .xls, Microsoft Word .doc, and Rich Text Format .rtf)

Q. Can I export my data to Excel?
A. Yes - When you click View Report there are two buttons in the top right hand corner of the report that is displayed. The first one is an export button that allows you to export the report and save it in several different formats. (Adobe Acrobat .pdf, Microsoft Excel .xls, Microsoft Word .doc, and Rich Text Format .rtf) The two Excel choices are either export the report or data only.

Q. Do I need to exit out of one screen before I move on to another screen?
A. No, moving to another screen will automatically close the current screen.

Q. If someone deactivates an item or category, how will that affect previous reports?
A. Deactivated categories or items can still be displayed on all reports.

Admin Options

Q. How do I create a new item?
A. New Items are entered in the “Admin” screen, and then click Items.

Q. What is the purpose of the high and low value for items and do I have to use them?
A. When creating or editing an item you can assign a high and low value. The price assigned then must be between the high and low value. If you do not want to use a high and low value leave them at zero.

Q. Who determines the high and low values for each item?
A. High and low values are entered values, determined by your demography. Check your local stores and adjust values accordingly.

Q. How do I create a new category?
A. New Categories are entered under the “Admin” screen, and then click Category.

Q. What does the deactivate button do?
A. User, Item, or Category can be deactivated. This prevents them from being used in any new entries but maintains them in the database for receipt entries that have already been entered.

Q. Under the location tab on the admin page it has a button for location. What is this for?
A. You can enter new locations, edit existing locations, or deactivate locations. Larger Rescue Missions may have more than 1 location that receives donations. This option allows you to enter all locations that may be operated by the Mission.

Q. How many locations can we have in our database?
A. There is no limit to the number of locations you can add.

Q. What happens if someone deactivates a category or an item?
A. Disabling a Category or an Item simply removes it from available items in the drop down list when entering a new Gift-in-Kind item. This ensures that deactivated items are not entered as Gift-in-Kind, but gives you the ability to still run reports and view old Categories or Items entered previously.


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